Government is broken, and is completely corrupted. There is no other way short of breaking many laws and several commandments to fix the present state of our (formerly) great Nation.
In the wake of the House putting all their own selfish interests above doing anything for the Country. A true grass roots movement to get term limits in place is absolutely needed. Knowing that something like term limits is a long shot in the next (111th Congress), and an absence of rioting on the streets, we need to start with November. Everyone needs to vote for a third party candidate for Representative to the US House. The President won't make a difference in this effort. The only effective chance at making a change to Politics as usual is a concerted effort to remove ANY and ALL sitting House members. It is the only prayer that we have to start over and get it right. What a shame that our Republic has come to this charade of lies and deceit. We term limit our Presidents, it is now time to limit our House and Senate members. The dumbfu**s have forgotten they work for us and seem to think our Country is theirs to do as they wish. If we decide to send our Incumbent House members back to Washington we deserve the worst of what could befall us. The fate of this Country is now in our hands. It is certainly clear that Congress doesn't give a damn.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Please, For the Sake of the Country, Just Quit!
Sarah Palin has once again proven that she is a complete moron and has no business being involved in National Politics. Whatever the possible reason McCain had for choosing her, his familiar line of “Country First” was not one of them. If he really wanted to put the Country First, he would have chosen a VP candidate that had some idea of what goes on outside of Alaska. She is officially beyond unqualified and has now become a National embarrassment. If she wanted to show an ounce of political fortitude and practical understanding, she would quit. Saving herself, her party, and her Country.
Here is a rambling excerpt from the Katie Couric interview. It just goes to show that inside her head is a vast emptiness that has been crammed full of talking points. However, no one had the sense to tell her when to use each point so they just get pushed out as one big vowel movement.
On whether the $700 billion bailout of the U.S. financial sector is a good idea.
“That’s why I say I, like every American I’m speaking with, we’re ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the healthcare reform that is needed to help shore up our economy. Helping the—it’s got to be all about job creation too, shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans and trade—we’ve got to see trade as opportunity, not as competitive, scary thing, but one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today—we’ve got to look at that as more opportunity.”
The press has an obligation to hammer away at Ms. Palin’s qualifications. If it turns out that she has just had a few bad interviews because she was nervous or whatever, additional scrutiny will serve her well.
If, on the other hand, it becomes clear that her performance, so far, is an accurate reflection of her qualifications, it would behoove John McCain and the Republican Party to put the country first — as Mr. McCain loves to say — and find a replacement for Ms. Palin on the ticket.
Last Night's Debate
I do not like to really look for a winner and a loser from a Presidential debate. I really want to hear issues discussed. I want to know how candidates feel they differ and how they are alike. I thought that Jim Lehrer did a fine job of trying to get Obama and McCain talking to each other, discussing, not just throwing out sound bites. I will give Obama some credit for trying to do that. McCain just would not even look at Obama. Granted he would have had to look to his left, lol. McCain's sarcastic and bellicose nature emerged, immediately. McCain's refusal to make eye-contact with Obama, or even look his way, made it easy to imagine McCain's refusing to communicate, negotiate or compromise with foreign leaders with whom he was not already in full agreement.
I am afraid that Sarah Palin may be a heartbeat away from replacing Dr. Strangelove.
For those too young to remember, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, a 1964 Stanley Kubrick film. The story concerns a mentally unstable US Air Force general who orders a first strike nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.
I did hear one of the news commentators observe that McCain never really talked about the future, everything had to do with the past. In addition,Obama seemed to talk about the future. It is something to consider.
The one real change I would like to see in these debates…let them all in; Barr, McCain, Nadar, Obama. Have at least one debate were they all can go at it no matter how crazy their ideas might be. The only prerequisite being that they would have to be on enough ballots to reach the 270 electoral votes needed. That does not even need to be every State. You really only need 12 States (CA,TX,NY,FL,IL,PA,OH,NJ,NC,GA,VA, and ANY one other). How is that for scary…
Here is a rambling excerpt from the Katie Couric interview. It just goes to show that inside her head is a vast emptiness that has been crammed full of talking points. However, no one had the sense to tell her when to use each point so they just get pushed out as one big vowel movement.
On whether the $700 billion bailout of the U.S. financial sector is a good idea.
“That’s why I say I, like every American I’m speaking with, we’re ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the healthcare reform that is needed to help shore up our economy. Helping the—it’s got to be all about job creation too, shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans and trade—we’ve got to see trade as opportunity, not as competitive, scary thing, but one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today—we’ve got to look at that as more opportunity.”
The press has an obligation to hammer away at Ms. Palin’s qualifications. If it turns out that she has just had a few bad interviews because she was nervous or whatever, additional scrutiny will serve her well.
If, on the other hand, it becomes clear that her performance, so far, is an accurate reflection of her qualifications, it would behoove John McCain and the Republican Party to put the country first — as Mr. McCain loves to say — and find a replacement for Ms. Palin on the ticket.
Last Night's Debate
I do not like to really look for a winner and a loser from a Presidential debate. I really want to hear issues discussed. I want to know how candidates feel they differ and how they are alike. I thought that Jim Lehrer did a fine job of trying to get Obama and McCain talking to each other, discussing, not just throwing out sound bites. I will give Obama some credit for trying to do that. McCain just would not even look at Obama. Granted he would have had to look to his left, lol. McCain's sarcastic and bellicose nature emerged, immediately. McCain's refusal to make eye-contact with Obama, or even look his way, made it easy to imagine McCain's refusing to communicate, negotiate or compromise with foreign leaders with whom he was not already in full agreement.
I am afraid that Sarah Palin may be a heartbeat away from replacing Dr. Strangelove.
For those too young to remember, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, a 1964 Stanley Kubrick film. The story concerns a mentally unstable US Air Force general who orders a first strike nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.
I did hear one of the news commentators observe that McCain never really talked about the future, everything had to do with the past. In addition,Obama seemed to talk about the future. It is something to consider.
The one real change I would like to see in these debates…let them all in; Barr, McCain, Nadar, Obama. Have at least one debate were they all can go at it no matter how crazy their ideas might be. The only prerequisite being that they would have to be on enough ballots to reach the 270 electoral votes needed. That does not even need to be every State. You really only need 12 States (CA,TX,NY,FL,IL,PA,OH,NJ,NC,GA,VA, and ANY one other). How is that for scary…
Friday, September 26, 2008
Brother, Can you Spare a Country?
One of the more frightening reports regarding this economic crisis has been that banks have refused to lend to one another because they do not trust that they would be paid back. Three months ago, the Administration was saying that everything was fine. This was just a glitch, and the fundamental economy was strong. What the F can you do in three months to completely cause a potential Global Catastrophe? All the signals are pointing to the Administration once again listening to lobbyists that are fighting to keep the government from imposing regulations on Wall Street. Politicians can no longer tell the truth, that is quite evident. They have been lying about the extent of the crisis for a year in the “hopes” that people would never find out. The system no longer works! We have to start over with new people. If it does not happen in this election cycle, I truly think we will see a meltdown of our complete way of life. This is not just a worst-case-scenario. That is a reasoned reality. The lawmakers can't even trust each other anymore, how are we, the
people, supposed to trust them now? It really is starting to feel like the end of an idea called The United States because it appears that it has been deemed we no longer know what is best for us and they do not trust each other, that is just great, was the whole thing, this USA,one big fraud from the beginning.
Then I wake to find out WaMu has been "seized" in the night along with all the assets and the shareholders are "out" WTF? A confidence crisis? They had better get their shit together before people start going for their lanterns and pitchforks!
After McCain said that he was headed back to Washington to “help” with the bailout package, most in Congress cringed. One (Republican, no less) Senator stated “He had spoken to Sen. Obama on the phone more in the last week, than he had spoken with Sen. McCain in the last two months”, This really illustrates a point I made earlier; John McCain is just to far behind the times to be an effective leader in the 21st Century. All of a sudden, McCain figures out, on Wednesday, that something is going on in Washington and I had better get there to say me too. Meanwhile, Henry Paulson, and Senate leaders are saying they have had ongoing contact with Obama via telephone and video conferences.
German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck said one outcome of the crisis would be a less dominant role for the United States in the global financial system. "The United States will lose its superpower status in the world financial system. The world financial system will become more multi-polar," he said.
He joined a growing chorus of international politicians who have blamed the United States for spawning the global financial crisis with a blind drive for higher profits and insufficient market regulation.
In decrying the lack of government regulation, France’s President Sarkozy joined a broad spectrum of European leaders and commentators who have interpreted the financial crisis as a death knell for the current financial markets and banking systems. Their comments sometimes have betrayed an "I told you so" sentiment, after years during which U.S. officials suggested that many of Europe's economic problems stemmed from an excess of regulation and government intervention.
French banks, in particular, have less to worry about than their U.S. counterparts, French officials have said, in part because regulatory powers are stronger in Europe than in the United States and the banks are less exposed to bad loans. The appropriate degree of state intervention in banking and financial dealings also has been a frequent subject of disagreement within the European Union. Those advocating more controls clearly have gained the upper hand for the time being.
"Self-regulation to solve all problems, it's finished," Sarkozy said. "Laissez-faire, it's finished. The all-powerful market that is always right, it's finished. . . . Self-regulation is sometimes insufficient. The market is sometimes wrong. Competition is sometimes ineffective or disloyal. It is necessary then for the state to intervene."
Some form of a crisis plan is needed (let us stop calling it a bailout for a while) that is one thing that seems perfectly clear. What is also becoming even clearer is the fact that Wall Street/Banking cannot be the overseers of the plan, and Congress is just to corrupt to watch over this as well. These are some ideas that I have found from everyday people that could work.
1] FED cannot receive any of the proceeds, which must be directed in total to Banks for their mortgages;
[2] No government agency can administer/manage the Assets;
[3] A Selection Committee of "say" Jack Welsh, Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, Steve Forbes and Bill Seidman will "select" 5-10 professional property management firms to handle the mortgaged properties.
[4] Property mgm't contracts will be incented for maximum returns to the "taxpayers". Additional rewards will result from competitive standings of the actual returns from each firm;
[5] Any fraud found during the asset procurement & sale cycle must be prosecuted. Greed, which threatens America, can no longer go unpunished! Enforce Title 8 and Title 11 of Sarbanes/Oxley.
I keep harping on the fact that lobbyists have caused so much of this problem. Here is what will (and should) happen if things do not turn around soon. People in Washington D.C., the real people not politicians, will have less than they already do. Anger and resentment will increase. What I would like to see is that anger focused. Take your rage out on “K” Street, burn it to the ground, flush the lobbyists out like the vermin they are. If we do not GET RID of lobbyists, Congress will remain corrupt and there will be a Global Economic meltdown. People will be on the street, begging, “Brother Can you spare a dime”, and they will look for revenge. And I will be there with maps to “K Street”…
people, supposed to trust them now? It really is starting to feel like the end of an idea called The United States because it appears that it has been deemed we no longer know what is best for us and they do not trust each other, that is just great, was the whole thing, this USA,one big fraud from the beginning.
Then I wake to find out WaMu has been "seized" in the night along with all the assets and the shareholders are "out" WTF? A confidence crisis? They had better get their shit together before people start going for their lanterns and pitchforks!
After McCain said that he was headed back to Washington to “help” with the bailout package, most in Congress cringed. One (Republican, no less) Senator stated “He had spoken to Sen. Obama on the phone more in the last week, than he had spoken with Sen. McCain in the last two months”, This really illustrates a point I made earlier; John McCain is just to far behind the times to be an effective leader in the 21st Century. All of a sudden, McCain figures out, on Wednesday, that something is going on in Washington and I had better get there to say me too. Meanwhile, Henry Paulson, and Senate leaders are saying they have had ongoing contact with Obama via telephone and video conferences.
German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck said one outcome of the crisis would be a less dominant role for the United States in the global financial system. "The United States will lose its superpower status in the world financial system. The world financial system will become more multi-polar," he said.
He joined a growing chorus of international politicians who have blamed the United States for spawning the global financial crisis with a blind drive for higher profits and insufficient market regulation.
In decrying the lack of government regulation, France’s President Sarkozy joined a broad spectrum of European leaders and commentators who have interpreted the financial crisis as a death knell for the current financial markets and banking systems. Their comments sometimes have betrayed an "I told you so" sentiment, after years during which U.S. officials suggested that many of Europe's economic problems stemmed from an excess of regulation and government intervention.
French banks, in particular, have less to worry about than their U.S. counterparts, French officials have said, in part because regulatory powers are stronger in Europe than in the United States and the banks are less exposed to bad loans. The appropriate degree of state intervention in banking and financial dealings also has been a frequent subject of disagreement within the European Union. Those advocating more controls clearly have gained the upper hand for the time being.
"Self-regulation to solve all problems, it's finished," Sarkozy said. "Laissez-faire, it's finished. The all-powerful market that is always right, it's finished. . . . Self-regulation is sometimes insufficient. The market is sometimes wrong. Competition is sometimes ineffective or disloyal. It is necessary then for the state to intervene."
Some form of a crisis plan is needed (let us stop calling it a bailout for a while) that is one thing that seems perfectly clear. What is also becoming even clearer is the fact that Wall Street/Banking cannot be the overseers of the plan, and Congress is just to corrupt to watch over this as well. These are some ideas that I have found from everyday people that could work.
1] FED cannot receive any of the proceeds, which must be directed in total to Banks for their mortgages;
[2] No government agency can administer/manage the Assets;
[3] A Selection Committee of "say" Jack Welsh, Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, Steve Forbes and Bill Seidman will "select" 5-10 professional property management firms to handle the mortgaged properties.
[4] Property mgm't contracts will be incented for maximum returns to the "taxpayers". Additional rewards will result from competitive standings of the actual returns from each firm;
[5] Any fraud found during the asset procurement & sale cycle must be prosecuted. Greed, which threatens America, can no longer go unpunished! Enforce Title 8 and Title 11 of Sarbanes/Oxley.
I keep harping on the fact that lobbyists have caused so much of this problem. Here is what will (and should) happen if things do not turn around soon. People in Washington D.C., the real people not politicians, will have less than they already do. Anger and resentment will increase. What I would like to see is that anger focused. Take your rage out on “K” Street, burn it to the ground, flush the lobbyists out like the vermin they are. If we do not GET RID of lobbyists, Congress will remain corrupt and there will be a Global Economic meltdown. People will be on the street, begging, “Brother Can you spare a dime”, and they will look for revenge. And I will be there with maps to “K Street”…
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Recent Past Shows why the Present Mess
This is a USA TODAY article from 6-28-2005. This shows just another way we arrived where we are today, bad decisions, hubris and Washington as usual. Still at the core of the mess…lobbyists.
Big contributors to GOP reap big post-election rewards
By Jim Drinkard, USA TODAYWASHINGTON — Just six months into a new term for President Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress, some of their heaviest donors are scoring victories on the legislative and regulatory fronts.From rewrites of the laws governing bankruptcy and class-action lawsuits to relief for oil, timber and tobacco interests, GOP supporters who gave millions of dollars last year are reaping decisions worth billions from a Congress with more Republicans.
"Clearly, the election outcome has helped," says Bruce Josten, executive vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. "We are heading in the right direction. A lot more has been done by this time in a new session than usual."
While much public attention has been focused on Bush's sputtering effort to sell an overhaul of Social Security, legislation long sought by the GOP and its business allies have been enacted with bipartisan support. In February, Congress passed and Bush signed a bill that sharply limits class-action lawsuits. The savings will likely come to several billion dollars a year, says Russ Sutter of Tillinghast-Towers Perrin, an actuarial firm that studies tort costs.
The business sector that includes manufacturing and retail was among top GOP donors last election cycle. It directed three of every five political dollars to Republicans — almost $121 million, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.
There was a similar partisan tilt in political giving by the finance industry, which won passage in April of a law making it harder to erase debts by declaring bankruptcy. Credit card companies and banks sought the change as a way to collect more debts.
The finance sector gave nearly $195 million to the GOP in the 2004 elections. And 105 of Bush's 548 elite fundraisers — those who raised $100,000 or more — were from the world of finance, making it his biggest base of top-dollar support, at $34 million.
"Many of the traditional business supporters are really getting the agenda they wanted, and it seems to be speeding up," says Larry Noble, director of the Center for Responsive Politics, which studies the impact of money on politics.
Still to come: Congress is pushing to complete an energy bill. Business interests want limits on liability for water contamination caused by MTBE, a fuel additive designed to reduce auto emissions, and oil companies seek to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. The Senate passed its version Tuesday.
Bush supporters also have had good luck outside the legislative arena:
• Justice Department lawyers this month abruptly scaled back their request for a penalty in the government's lawsuit against tobacco companies. Rather than the 25-year, $130 billion smoking cessation program their own expert had recommended, they are asking for a $14 billion remedy. The tobacco industry favored Republicans three-to-one over Democrats last year, giving $2.7 million to the party and its candidates.
The Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility is looking into whether politics influenced the decision.
• After Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson resigned under fire from business groups who complained about overzealous regulation, Bush replaced him with someone with a pro-corporate record: Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif.
"It's hard to imagine somebody with a more nakedly deregulatory agenda," says William Lerach, a trial lawyer who has brought shareholder lawsuits against corporations accused of securities fraud. Securities and investment firms gave $47.8 million to Republicans last election.
• The administration last month reversed a ban on road construction, timber harvesting, mining and energy development on undeveloped national forest land. The government also has expanded oil and gas development on federal lands, including areas in New Mexico and Wyoming.
Energy and natural resources interests gave $39.3 million to the GOP last year, three times the amount given to Democrats.
Big contributors to GOP reap big post-election rewards
By Jim Drinkard, USA TODAYWASHINGTON — Just six months into a new term for President Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress, some of their heaviest donors are scoring victories on the legislative and regulatory fronts.From rewrites of the laws governing bankruptcy and class-action lawsuits to relief for oil, timber and tobacco interests, GOP supporters who gave millions of dollars last year are reaping decisions worth billions from a Congress with more Republicans.
"Clearly, the election outcome has helped," says Bruce Josten, executive vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. "We are heading in the right direction. A lot more has been done by this time in a new session than usual."
While much public attention has been focused on Bush's sputtering effort to sell an overhaul of Social Security, legislation long sought by the GOP and its business allies have been enacted with bipartisan support. In February, Congress passed and Bush signed a bill that sharply limits class-action lawsuits. The savings will likely come to several billion dollars a year, says Russ Sutter of Tillinghast-Towers Perrin, an actuarial firm that studies tort costs.
The business sector that includes manufacturing and retail was among top GOP donors last election cycle. It directed three of every five political dollars to Republicans — almost $121 million, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.
There was a similar partisan tilt in political giving by the finance industry, which won passage in April of a law making it harder to erase debts by declaring bankruptcy. Credit card companies and banks sought the change as a way to collect more debts.
The finance sector gave nearly $195 million to the GOP in the 2004 elections. And 105 of Bush's 548 elite fundraisers — those who raised $100,000 or more — were from the world of finance, making it his biggest base of top-dollar support, at $34 million.
"Many of the traditional business supporters are really getting the agenda they wanted, and it seems to be speeding up," says Larry Noble, director of the Center for Responsive Politics, which studies the impact of money on politics.
Still to come: Congress is pushing to complete an energy bill. Business interests want limits on liability for water contamination caused by MTBE, a fuel additive designed to reduce auto emissions, and oil companies seek to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. The Senate passed its version Tuesday.
Bush supporters also have had good luck outside the legislative arena:
• Justice Department lawyers this month abruptly scaled back their request for a penalty in the government's lawsuit against tobacco companies. Rather than the 25-year, $130 billion smoking cessation program their own expert had recommended, they are asking for a $14 billion remedy. The tobacco industry favored Republicans three-to-one over Democrats last year, giving $2.7 million to the party and its candidates.
The Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility is looking into whether politics influenced the decision.
• After Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson resigned under fire from business groups who complained about overzealous regulation, Bush replaced him with someone with a pro-corporate record: Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif.
"It's hard to imagine somebody with a more nakedly deregulatory agenda," says William Lerach, a trial lawyer who has brought shareholder lawsuits against corporations accused of securities fraud. Securities and investment firms gave $47.8 million to Republicans last election.
• The administration last month reversed a ban on road construction, timber harvesting, mining and energy development on undeveloped national forest land. The government also has expanded oil and gas development on federal lands, including areas in New Mexico and Wyoming.
Energy and natural resources interests gave $39.3 million to the GOP last year, three times the amount given to Democrats.
Friday, September 19, 2008
McCain's a Freakin Liar!
This quote is from John McCain’s speech today in Green Bay, WI. regarding the economy.
“Two years ago, I called for reform of this corruption at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congress did nothing. The Administration did nothing. Senator Obama did nothing, and actually profited from this system of abuse and scandal.”
Here are the facts, direct from the Congressional Record.
January 26, 2005
By Mr. HAGEL (for himself, Mr. SUNUNU, and Mrs. DOLE):
S . 190 . A bill to address the regulation of secondary mortgage market enterprises, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
Then over a year later McCain becomes a co-sponsor to the bill and submits a “speech” to the Congressional Record that he never actually gave (done all the time in Congress. Called Revise and Extending remarks.)
May 26, 2006
S . 190
At the request of Mr. HAGEL, the name of the Senator from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN) was added as a cosponsor of S . 190, a bill to address the regulation of secondary mortgage market enterprises, and for other purposes.
The truth of the matter is that John McCain, at the request of Chuck Hagel, became a co-sponsor of a bill that was going nowhere in the Senate; in early 2006 Republicans thought Chuck Hagel was going to run for President and McCain was trying to get onto anything that Hagel did, so he could say “me too”. BECAUSE six months later John McCain was announcing he was running for President.
I really wanted Obama to choose Chuck Hagel for his VP choice, but it didn’t work out that way. Nevertheless, I would suspect that Hagel ends up in an Obama administration (if he won).
I know that politicians don’t tell the truth most of the time. But McCain, besides being just unintelligent, can’t seem to tell the truth EVER. I’m now leaning toward “anyone else” on the ballot in November. However, the absolute clear thing to me is McCain cannot be allowed to win. It will be the economic ruination of our Country. John McCain just does not have the smarts needed, nor the years left in him (and President Palin scares the living crap out of me), to be able to guide this Country.
“Two years ago, I called for reform of this corruption at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congress did nothing. The Administration did nothing. Senator Obama did nothing, and actually profited from this system of abuse and scandal.”
Here are the facts, direct from the Congressional Record.
January 26, 2005
By Mr. HAGEL (for himself, Mr. SUNUNU, and Mrs. DOLE):
S . 190 . A bill to address the regulation of secondary mortgage market enterprises, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
Then over a year later McCain becomes a co-sponsor to the bill and submits a “speech” to the Congressional Record that he never actually gave (done all the time in Congress. Called Revise and Extending remarks.)
May 26, 2006
S . 190
At the request of Mr. HAGEL, the name of the Senator from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN) was added as a cosponsor of S . 190, a bill to address the regulation of secondary mortgage market enterprises, and for other purposes.
The truth of the matter is that John McCain, at the request of Chuck Hagel, became a co-sponsor of a bill that was going nowhere in the Senate; in early 2006 Republicans thought Chuck Hagel was going to run for President and McCain was trying to get onto anything that Hagel did, so he could say “me too”. BECAUSE six months later John McCain was announcing he was running for President.
I really wanted Obama to choose Chuck Hagel for his VP choice, but it didn’t work out that way. Nevertheless, I would suspect that Hagel ends up in an Obama administration (if he won).
I know that politicians don’t tell the truth most of the time. But McCain, besides being just unintelligent, can’t seem to tell the truth EVER. I’m now leaning toward “anyone else” on the ballot in November. However, the absolute clear thing to me is McCain cannot be allowed to win. It will be the economic ruination of our Country. John McCain just does not have the smarts needed, nor the years left in him (and President Palin scares the living crap out of me), to be able to guide this Country.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
How About a New Treasury Secretary
Well at least McDonalds is doing better this morning! With the introduction of the - "The Freddie Mac " with 2 subprime beef patties, a special sauce made from borrowed items but is a real asset to this sandwich, lettuce and cheese from a merger of another sandwich, but there is a rumor that the cheese may be forced out in a cost cutting move. The best part is if you buy it and don't like it, Paulson will buy it from you.
I would like to introduce you to someone that has had the solution to many of our problems, but no one would listen.
David M Walker
As Comptroller General of the United States and head of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) from 1998 to 2008, spanning both Democratic and Republican administrations, Dave served as the federal government's chief auditor. Appointed by President Bill Clinton and confirmed unanimously by the US Senate, he was an outspoken, nonpartisan advocate for addressing the major fiscal and other sustainability challenges facing the country. He also enacted transformational reforms at the agency and within the accountability profession.
Walker has compared the present-day United States with the Roman Empire in its decline, saying the U.S. government is on a "burning platform" of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, expensive over commitments to government provided health care, swelling Medicare costs, the enormous expense of a prospective universal health care system, immigration, and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon. He has also noted that U.S. can and must turn things around.
Walker has actively taken a public stance against the running of massive federal budget deficits and accumulation of public debt. He has participated in numerous town hall meetings around the country organized by the Concord Coalition known as the "Fiscal Wake-Up Tour." This has consisted of a series of trips across the country with representatives from the Concord Coalition and scholars from the Brookings Institution and the Heritage Foundation. Walker is also the main subject of a new documentary that EVERYONE should see titled “I O U S A” Preview the trailer here
I know it is only playing at limited theaters and those tend to be the small independents, but if you find it in your area SEE IT. It is only one and a half hours so it is a short time to take to see some truth on America’s financial health. I am sure it will be on Netflix or Blockbuster soon as well.
I wonder what the chances that we could get whoever wins the Presidential beauty contest to make Mr. Walker the Treasury Secretary. Henry Paulson has done what is needed as a firefighter, and hopefully his actions will not come back to bite us in the arse. However, going forward the economy is going to need a real different kind of leadership. It will not be pretty but it will be necessary to reduce our debt and reign in spending. Mr. Walker has been trying to do that for many years but prior to the last few weeks no one in government wanted to believe. It is always said that American’s have very short memories when it comes to crises. We want to see the next celebrity without their panties on. Nevertheless, this time the economy and the very State of our Union are at stake. A short memory could mean the difference between Global Depression or just a painful recovery. Presently David Walker is the head of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation As President and CEO of the Foundation, Dave is now free to do what he wasn't able to do while running the Government Accountability Office: advocate for specific solutions, work proactively with grantees and other partners to build strong coalitions, and encourage and engage in grassroots efforts to bring pressure on Washington to act. If he is willing to leave there and give it a try I think he could do the job…if Congress will just listen, and lobbyists will just leave.
I would like to introduce you to someone that has had the solution to many of our problems, but no one would listen.
David M Walker
As Comptroller General of the United States and head of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) from 1998 to 2008, spanning both Democratic and Republican administrations, Dave served as the federal government's chief auditor. Appointed by President Bill Clinton and confirmed unanimously by the US Senate, he was an outspoken, nonpartisan advocate for addressing the major fiscal and other sustainability challenges facing the country. He also enacted transformational reforms at the agency and within the accountability profession.
Walker has compared the present-day United States with the Roman Empire in its decline, saying the U.S. government is on a "burning platform" of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, expensive over commitments to government provided health care, swelling Medicare costs, the enormous expense of a prospective universal health care system, immigration, and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon. He has also noted that U.S. can and must turn things around.
Walker has actively taken a public stance against the running of massive federal budget deficits and accumulation of public debt. He has participated in numerous town hall meetings around the country organized by the Concord Coalition known as the "Fiscal Wake-Up Tour." This has consisted of a series of trips across the country with representatives from the Concord Coalition and scholars from the Brookings Institution and the Heritage Foundation. Walker is also the main subject of a new documentary that EVERYONE should see titled “I O U S A” Preview the trailer here
I know it is only playing at limited theaters and those tend to be the small independents, but if you find it in your area SEE IT. It is only one and a half hours so it is a short time to take to see some truth on America’s financial health. I am sure it will be on Netflix or Blockbuster soon as well.
I wonder what the chances that we could get whoever wins the Presidential beauty contest to make Mr. Walker the Treasury Secretary. Henry Paulson has done what is needed as a firefighter, and hopefully his actions will not come back to bite us in the arse. However, going forward the economy is going to need a real different kind of leadership. It will not be pretty but it will be necessary to reduce our debt and reign in spending. Mr. Walker has been trying to do that for many years but prior to the last few weeks no one in government wanted to believe. It is always said that American’s have very short memories when it comes to crises. We want to see the next celebrity without their panties on. Nevertheless, this time the economy and the very State of our Union are at stake. A short memory could mean the difference between Global Depression or just a painful recovery. Presently David Walker is the head of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation As President and CEO of the Foundation, Dave is now free to do what he wasn't able to do while running the Government Accountability Office: advocate for specific solutions, work proactively with grantees and other partners to build strong coalitions, and encourage and engage in grassroots efforts to bring pressure on Washington to act. If he is willing to leave there and give it a try I think he could do the job…if Congress will just listen, and lobbyists will just leave.
David M Walker,
Economic Reform,
Peterson Foundation
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
For What Price is Socialism?
$900,000,000,000.00 that is $900 Billion dollars. That is how much the US Government has spent bailing out companies this year. Moreover, it may not include the sneaky little deal they did with at least $87 billion in repayments to JPMorgan Chase & Co for providing financing to underpin trades with units of bankrupt investment bank Lehman Brothers.
A few years ago, I was having a discussion with some people regarding politics, economy, etc. I had opined that I thought the future economy in America was going to look much more like the European Quasi-Socialist model in my lifetime. Most of the Conservatives balked at that idea. They said that Wall Street would never allow it to happen. Well, as it turns out, not only has Wall Street allowed it to happen…they are begging for it to happen. Socialism is happening in this Country, though no one wants to use those words because it will really freak out Americans. That is what is happening. The Government will call it bailouts, loans, assistance, etc but we have Nationalized $900 BILLION of our financial system. I thought it might happen , I kind of expected it to happen, in order to compete in a world economy; I just never thought it would be Republicans to do it.
However, it would appear that the final nail in the economic coffin is just being hammered. Now the Fed is asking the Treasury to bail it out with some capital. So now, not only is the fox watching the chicken coup, it's asking the chickens to sharpen the axe. I like the last quote in the story where a Treasury official says it is to “help them better manage their balance sheet”. Kind of like the same words, we have been hearing from Wall Street firms a few days before they go under.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department quickly put a new special financing facility to work on Wednesday, raising money for the Federal Reserve to use in a costly bid to rescue crumbling U.S. financial institutions.
Just minutes after unveiling the financing program, Treasury said it would sell $40 billion of cash management bills -- essentially a fresh batch of debt -- on Wednesday at the U.S. central bank's request as part of what a Treasury official called an attempt to "help them better manage their balance sheet."
This particular rule has been on the books for at least 10 years. The SEC has decided, today, to enforce the rule. WOW! It only took them this long to figure out how much of an impact it was taking on the economy.
The government took other measures Tuesday to help alleviate the turmoil in the markets. The Treasury said it will start selling bonds for the Fed to aid it with its lending efforts, while the Securities and Exchange Commission said it will strictly prohibit naked short-selling starting Thursday.
Short-selling is when traders borrow shares of a stock they expect to fall and sell them — if the stock does indeed fall, the traders buy the cheaper shares to cover the borrowed ones and profit from the difference. Naked short-selling occurs when sellers don't actually borrow the shares before selling them; it's a practice some say is partially responsible for the huge drop in the shares of investment banks like Lehman, Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns Cos., which JPMorgan Chase & Co. bought earlier this year.
As President Herbert Hoover wrote in his memoir regarding speculation: "There are crimes worse than murder for which men should be reviled and punished." Among them are inaction when our entire nation desperately needs a sign that Washington understands the true dimension of the problem.
I have known some Wall Streeters, and a few of them, by there own admission, have no idea what the rest of the country is about. They see Wall Street (and Manhattan) as the end of the earth. Well now that they are out of jobs, they may want to get out and see the rest of the Country. There are tons of jobs in Middle America that need to be filled, some of them presently held by illegal aliens that people seem to complain about, although not as much anymore….
A few years ago, I was having a discussion with some people regarding politics, economy, etc. I had opined that I thought the future economy in America was going to look much more like the European Quasi-Socialist model in my lifetime. Most of the Conservatives balked at that idea. They said that Wall Street would never allow it to happen. Well, as it turns out, not only has Wall Street allowed it to happen…they are begging for it to happen. Socialism is happening in this Country, though no one wants to use those words because it will really freak out Americans. That is what is happening. The Government will call it bailouts, loans, assistance, etc but we have Nationalized $900 BILLION of our financial system. I thought it might happen , I kind of expected it to happen, in order to compete in a world economy; I just never thought it would be Republicans to do it.
However, it would appear that the final nail in the economic coffin is just being hammered. Now the Fed is asking the Treasury to bail it out with some capital. So now, not only is the fox watching the chicken coup, it's asking the chickens to sharpen the axe. I like the last quote in the story where a Treasury official says it is to “help them better manage their balance sheet”. Kind of like the same words, we have been hearing from Wall Street firms a few days before they go under.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department quickly put a new special financing facility to work on Wednesday, raising money for the Federal Reserve to use in a costly bid to rescue crumbling U.S. financial institutions.
Just minutes after unveiling the financing program, Treasury said it would sell $40 billion of cash management bills -- essentially a fresh batch of debt -- on Wednesday at the U.S. central bank's request as part of what a Treasury official called an attempt to "help them better manage their balance sheet."
This particular rule has been on the books for at least 10 years. The SEC has decided, today, to enforce the rule. WOW! It only took them this long to figure out how much of an impact it was taking on the economy.
The government took other measures Tuesday to help alleviate the turmoil in the markets. The Treasury said it will start selling bonds for the Fed to aid it with its lending efforts, while the Securities and Exchange Commission said it will strictly prohibit naked short-selling starting Thursday.
Short-selling is when traders borrow shares of a stock they expect to fall and sell them — if the stock does indeed fall, the traders buy the cheaper shares to cover the borrowed ones and profit from the difference. Naked short-selling occurs when sellers don't actually borrow the shares before selling them; it's a practice some say is partially responsible for the huge drop in the shares of investment banks like Lehman, Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns Cos., which JPMorgan Chase & Co. bought earlier this year.
As President Herbert Hoover wrote in his memoir regarding speculation: "There are crimes worse than murder for which men should be reviled and punished." Among them are inaction when our entire nation desperately needs a sign that Washington understands the true dimension of the problem.
I have known some Wall Streeters, and a few of them, by there own admission, have no idea what the rest of the country is about. They see Wall Street (and Manhattan) as the end of the earth. Well now that they are out of jobs, they may want to get out and see the rest of the Country. There are tons of jobs in Middle America that need to be filled, some of them presently held by illegal aliens that people seem to complain about, although not as much anymore….
Bail outs,
Wall Street
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Time to Cull the Lobbyists
So what is the deciding point for the Government to bailout a company? After doing a little research, it is clear how the decision is made.
Fannie and Freddie spent MILLIONS on lobbyists. AIG this year alone has spent $6.73 Million, Merrill Lynch spent $2.2 Million, and poor Lehman Brothers only spent $430 Thousand. Washington Mutual won't get any kind of bailout, even though it is the largest Savings and Loan. They only gave $570 thousand in bribe money to the lobbyists. (Open Secrets. Org)
So it really just depends on how much you give to lobbyists so they can bribe the needed politicians. That, by the way, is what it is. Bribery! Lobbyists are the bag men for corporations.
Can someone please tell me what Countries Economy G.W. is watching. I'm starting to think that he and McCain have the charts upside down.
Although the morons that run these companies think, their ego is far more important than us poor slobs that actually put our hard-earned dollars into a company stock hoping we might have something when the time comes to retire. As opposed to the CEO that got his stock in a well hidden option because he was able to take a Billion dollar company and turn it into a Million dollar company. I'll take the janitor to run the company over some putz with an MBA from a fancy school. At least the janitor will be honest with you, and would know right away what is wrong. They always do.
The fact of the matter is that it is LOBBYISTS that control what will happen to you and me. Another quick check finds that McCain’s campaign is FULL of banking lobbyists. The man could not take a dump without a lobbyist there to wipe his bum. Obama’s campaign does have a couple of lobbyists as advisers but they do not seem to be at the same level as the McCain group. I just cannot get over how a company says everything is all right one day and 2 days latter, they are going under. Does anyone watch these things? Alternatively, have the lobbyists hoodwinked EVERY politician in Washington.
The time has come to step up the efforts to rid our Government of lobbyists. If you know a lobbyist, render them unable to breed. It is a good start.
Here are a few other items I found regarding Fannie and Freddie’s lobby efforts to bring down our economy and Country. This was in “The Christian Science Monitor” which is probably the last unbiased newspaper in America, go figure.
Over the last decade, Fannie and Freddie together hired nearly every lobby shop in Washington – so many, in fact, that opponents complained that they had trouble finding someone to represent their interests.
In addition, Fannie and Freddie supported a vast network of charities, often specifically linked to members of Congress.

SOURCE: Center for Responsive Politics/Rich Clabaugh–STAFF
It has to stop. Lobbyists will destroy America. Do whatever you have to, but start with notifying your Congressman that if they have taken dollar one from lobbyists, no more votes, period. If they have taken money, they are CROOKS, Corrupted politicians that need to be removed, charged, found guilty of treason and hanged.
But that is up to the voter and so far, we have been stupid.
Fannie and Freddie spent MILLIONS on lobbyists. AIG this year alone has spent $6.73 Million, Merrill Lynch spent $2.2 Million, and poor Lehman Brothers only spent $430 Thousand. Washington Mutual won't get any kind of bailout, even though it is the largest Savings and Loan. They only gave $570 thousand in bribe money to the lobbyists. (Open Secrets. Org)
So it really just depends on how much you give to lobbyists so they can bribe the needed politicians. That, by the way, is what it is. Bribery! Lobbyists are the bag men for corporations.
Can someone please tell me what Countries Economy G.W. is watching. I'm starting to think that he and McCain have the charts upside down.
Although the morons that run these companies think, their ego is far more important than us poor slobs that actually put our hard-earned dollars into a company stock hoping we might have something when the time comes to retire. As opposed to the CEO that got his stock in a well hidden option because he was able to take a Billion dollar company and turn it into a Million dollar company. I'll take the janitor to run the company over some putz with an MBA from a fancy school. At least the janitor will be honest with you, and would know right away what is wrong. They always do.
The fact of the matter is that it is LOBBYISTS that control what will happen to you and me. Another quick check finds that McCain’s campaign is FULL of banking lobbyists. The man could not take a dump without a lobbyist there to wipe his bum. Obama’s campaign does have a couple of lobbyists as advisers but they do not seem to be at the same level as the McCain group. I just cannot get over how a company says everything is all right one day and 2 days latter, they are going under. Does anyone watch these things? Alternatively, have the lobbyists hoodwinked EVERY politician in Washington.
The time has come to step up the efforts to rid our Government of lobbyists. If you know a lobbyist, render them unable to breed. It is a good start.
Here are a few other items I found regarding Fannie and Freddie’s lobby efforts to bring down our economy and Country. This was in “The Christian Science Monitor” which is probably the last unbiased newspaper in America, go figure.
Over the last decade, Fannie and Freddie together hired nearly every lobby shop in Washington – so many, in fact, that opponents complained that they had trouble finding someone to represent their interests.
In addition, Fannie and Freddie supported a vast network of charities, often specifically linked to members of Congress.

SOURCE: Center for Responsive Politics/Rich Clabaugh–STAFF
It has to stop. Lobbyists will destroy America. Do whatever you have to, but start with notifying your Congressman that if they have taken dollar one from lobbyists, no more votes, period. If they have taken money, they are CROOKS, Corrupted politicians that need to be removed, charged, found guilty of treason and hanged.
But that is up to the voter and so far, we have been stupid.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Any Vote is Never Wasted
So Ron Paul, who received more votes in just the Pennsylvania Republican Primary (129,323) than Gov Palin (Unqualified R AK) has ever received in ALL her campaigns combined, has decided to back “None of the Above”. Here are some excerpts from his recent National Press Club speech.
“The coverage of the presidential election is designed to be a grand distraction. This is not new, but this year, it’s more so than ever…The truth is that our two-party system offers no real choice. The real goal of the campaign is to distract people from considering the real issues…Those candidates who represent actual change or disagreement with the status quo are held in check by the two major parties in power, making it very difficult to compete in the pretend democratic process. This is done by making it difficult for third-party candidates to get on the ballots, enter into the debates, raise money, avoid being marginalized, or get fair or actual coverage. A rare celebrity or a wealthy individual can, to a degree, overcome these difficulties. There is only one way that these issues can get the attention they deserve: the silent majority must become the vocal majority. The strongest message can be sent by rejecting the two-party system, which in reality is a one-party system with no possible chance for the changes to occur which are necessary to solve our economic and foreign policy problems. This can be accomplished by voting for one of the non-establishment principled candidates—Baldwin, Barr, McKinney, Nader, and possibly others. For me, though, my advice—for what it’s worth—is to vote! Reject the two candidates who demand perpetuation of the status quo and pick one of the alternatives that you have the greatest affinity to, based on the other issues.”
This is a good thing as far as I am concerned. We need more Presidential candidates and Independents. I don’t agree with everything the Mr. Paul says, but then again who agrees with EVERYTHING any candidate says. The idea is to elect the most qualified person (not the Party). I still agree with George Washington, in his Farewell Address, that Political Parties should not be allowed. Moreover, all of this lets me harp on real election reform that is needed in this Country. I would have two proposals, only one would require Federal approval. The other only requires individual States to make a stand.
The first is no more Parties. No more expensive conventions where lobbyists and big corporations wine and dine elected officials. It just leads to corruption. Party conventions were needed at one time to bring everyone together to introduce the candidate. In today’s era of 24/7 news, they are an unnecessary tool.
That said, I would have two elections for President. The first would occur on the first Saturday after Labor Day and would be a “Primary”. Anyone than can get on the ballot would have an opportunity to be elected regardless of any party or idea. I would not care if there were 30 candidates. If no one gets 50% of the Primary vote, the top three (or 4) would then appear on a November ballot (we can keep the Tuesday if we want). The top electoral vote getter wins. This change would require US Congressional approval. Moreover, all it really changes is the party system and number of candidates on a ballot.
The second part: No more winner takes all Electoral College votes. This is already done in 2 States (Maine & Nebraska). And there is a growing movement toward this form in other States. The electoral votes would be cast according to the winner of the popular vote in each Congressional District with the two at large electoral votes going to the winner of the overall State popular vote. This is a change that can be enacted by ANY State on their own. I know Illinois Politics best so it is the easiest one to use as an example. In 2004, John Kerry received 21 (winner-take-all) electoral votes from the State of Illinois. He only won the popular vote in 16 of 102 counties. However, the fact of the matter is, whatever Chicago (and Cook County) do, it pretty much dictates how the State will allocate its electoral votes. After all the talk in the last two elections about disenfranchised voters, I find it hard to believe that we still have a winner take all system. It is the true meaning of disenfranchised voter. Outside of Cook County, your vote does not matter. Here is how the 2004 electoral votes would have played out if we used what is known as the “Tiered” system. John Kerry would have received 12 electoral votes (10 districts and 2 for State wide popular vote). George Bush would have received 9 electoral votes. The total is still the same (21 electoral votes). It is only how they are allocated that changes.
This system would have prevented all the craziness of the 2000 election (maybe not the outcome) because we would be only waiting on 1 electoral vote from the Palm Beach Congressional District as opposed to 27 for the whole State. And remember…Any State can decide to use this system. It does not require Federal approval.
This would give a voter the feeling (at least) of having more of an input into the Presidential election process. It would also mean the candidates would have to really get into the grassroots of America, and talk to real people. No more picking States with high electoral vote numbers and only concentrating there. EVERY Congressional District would become important. There would still be 538 total Electoral College votes. Instead of only appealing to 10 or 15 States with large populations. Candidates would have to appeal to 270 Congressional Districts to become President.
I know this will not happen for the 2008 Presidential Election, and the chances of the Federal Government changing their part are slim. They are too entrenched in the two Party System to allow an open Primary. However, the change to the Tiered Electoral College votes is a local/State level initiative that can be done. It just requires citizens (read-VOTERS) to push their local State Representatives to make the change. Illinois may embark on a State Constitutional Convention (required by Law every 20 years to be on the ballot) so the chance to make this possible, at least in this State, is NOW.
“The coverage of the presidential election is designed to be a grand distraction. This is not new, but this year, it’s more so than ever…The truth is that our two-party system offers no real choice. The real goal of the campaign is to distract people from considering the real issues…Those candidates who represent actual change or disagreement with the status quo are held in check by the two major parties in power, making it very difficult to compete in the pretend democratic process. This is done by making it difficult for third-party candidates to get on the ballots, enter into the debates, raise money, avoid being marginalized, or get fair or actual coverage. A rare celebrity or a wealthy individual can, to a degree, overcome these difficulties. There is only one way that these issues can get the attention they deserve: the silent majority must become the vocal majority. The strongest message can be sent by rejecting the two-party system, which in reality is a one-party system with no possible chance for the changes to occur which are necessary to solve our economic and foreign policy problems. This can be accomplished by voting for one of the non-establishment principled candidates—Baldwin, Barr, McKinney, Nader, and possibly others. For me, though, my advice—for what it’s worth—is to vote! Reject the two candidates who demand perpetuation of the status quo and pick one of the alternatives that you have the greatest affinity to, based on the other issues.”
This is a good thing as far as I am concerned. We need more Presidential candidates and Independents. I don’t agree with everything the Mr. Paul says, but then again who agrees with EVERYTHING any candidate says. The idea is to elect the most qualified person (not the Party). I still agree with George Washington, in his Farewell Address, that Political Parties should not be allowed. Moreover, all of this lets me harp on real election reform that is needed in this Country. I would have two proposals, only one would require Federal approval. The other only requires individual States to make a stand.
The first is no more Parties. No more expensive conventions where lobbyists and big corporations wine and dine elected officials. It just leads to corruption. Party conventions were needed at one time to bring everyone together to introduce the candidate. In today’s era of 24/7 news, they are an unnecessary tool.
That said, I would have two elections for President. The first would occur on the first Saturday after Labor Day and would be a “Primary”. Anyone than can get on the ballot would have an opportunity to be elected regardless of any party or idea. I would not care if there were 30 candidates. If no one gets 50% of the Primary vote, the top three (or 4) would then appear on a November ballot (we can keep the Tuesday if we want). The top electoral vote getter wins. This change would require US Congressional approval. Moreover, all it really changes is the party system and number of candidates on a ballot.
The second part: No more winner takes all Electoral College votes. This is already done in 2 States (Maine & Nebraska). And there is a growing movement toward this form in other States. The electoral votes would be cast according to the winner of the popular vote in each Congressional District with the two at large electoral votes going to the winner of the overall State popular vote. This is a change that can be enacted by ANY State on their own. I know Illinois Politics best so it is the easiest one to use as an example. In 2004, John Kerry received 21 (winner-take-all) electoral votes from the State of Illinois. He only won the popular vote in 16 of 102 counties. However, the fact of the matter is, whatever Chicago (and Cook County) do, it pretty much dictates how the State will allocate its electoral votes. After all the talk in the last two elections about disenfranchised voters, I find it hard to believe that we still have a winner take all system. It is the true meaning of disenfranchised voter. Outside of Cook County, your vote does not matter. Here is how the 2004 electoral votes would have played out if we used what is known as the “Tiered” system. John Kerry would have received 12 electoral votes (10 districts and 2 for State wide popular vote). George Bush would have received 9 electoral votes. The total is still the same (21 electoral votes). It is only how they are allocated that changes.
This system would have prevented all the craziness of the 2000 election (maybe not the outcome) because we would be only waiting on 1 electoral vote from the Palm Beach Congressional District as opposed to 27 for the whole State. And remember…Any State can decide to use this system. It does not require Federal approval.
This would give a voter the feeling (at least) of having more of an input into the Presidential election process. It would also mean the candidates would have to really get into the grassroots of America, and talk to real people. No more picking States with high electoral vote numbers and only concentrating there. EVERY Congressional District would become important. There would still be 538 total Electoral College votes. Instead of only appealing to 10 or 15 States with large populations. Candidates would have to appeal to 270 Congressional Districts to become President.
I know this will not happen for the 2008 Presidential Election, and the chances of the Federal Government changing their part are slim. They are too entrenched in the two Party System to allow an open Primary. However, the change to the Tiered Electoral College votes is a local/State level initiative that can be done. It just requires citizens (read-VOTERS) to push their local State Representatives to make the change. Illinois may embark on a State Constitutional Convention (required by Law every 20 years to be on the ballot) so the chance to make this possible, at least in this State, is NOW.
Election Reform,
Ron Paul,
Third Party
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Hey John, Your Kidding: Right?
On Monday, Alaska Gov. Palin (VP Nominee) proceeded to claim that she has more International acumen than Senators Obama or Biden. This from someone that is the least qualified candidate for the office of Vice President. I went on a search to see if there was a less qualified Republican Governor anywhere in the United States. As it turns out there is NO ONE less qualified than Governor Palin is. Actually, in ANY other State a 2 term Mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people would probably be laughed at for even thinking of running for Governor. I even sifted through all the Democrat Governors to see if one of them might be LESS qualified…Nothing, nada, zilch! Palin is the possibly least qualified elected official in America!
The only Republican Governor to receive fewer votes than Gov Palin (114,697) is from Guam (19,560). However, he was far more qualified. I tried only small population States in an attempt to make it fair. Nope! North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho all of them the Governor received more than double the amount of votes.
I have tried to see what the political advantage is to having Gov Palin on the ticket. It cannot be the electoral votes from Alaska (3), it cannot be the total number of popular votes (190,889 Bush 2004), and, as it turns out, it is not experience (NONE). Here it is…She is a Woman and McCain figures since Hillary got votes (not enough, thank God) any Woman would do. There are MANY more qualified women in the Republican Party, Governors, Senators, and Representatives. The Republicans sometimes get a bad rap regarding Women in the Party. The first Woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (Jeannette Rankin, Mont 1916) was a Republican. John McCain could have made history with a more qualified Woman. He chose the least qualified.
However, the real key; she is Anti-Abortion.
I mentioned (Politics, Going Badly Sep. 4) Linda Lingle (215,313 votes Election 2006); Gov. Hawaii would have been a more experienced choice.
Mary Jodi Rall, Gov. Connecticut (709,849 votes 2004) would have been a FAR better choice, except she does not have a strong Pro-Life stance.
So that is it; John McCain, who if elected will be the OLDEST President, has banked the FUTURE of America on one issue. He has decided to gamble with our Nation, selecting the LEAST QUALIFIED person to be a heartbeat away from being the leader of our Country. Sorry John we cannot take the chance that you might finish your term. Do your homework better, and don’t gamble with our Country.
The only Republican Governor to receive fewer votes than Gov Palin (114,697) is from Guam (19,560). However, he was far more qualified. I tried only small population States in an attempt to make it fair. Nope! North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho all of them the Governor received more than double the amount of votes.
I have tried to see what the political advantage is to having Gov Palin on the ticket. It cannot be the electoral votes from Alaska (3), it cannot be the total number of popular votes (190,889 Bush 2004), and, as it turns out, it is not experience (NONE). Here it is…She is a Woman and McCain figures since Hillary got votes (not enough, thank God) any Woman would do. There are MANY more qualified women in the Republican Party, Governors, Senators, and Representatives. The Republicans sometimes get a bad rap regarding Women in the Party. The first Woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (Jeannette Rankin, Mont 1916) was a Republican. John McCain could have made history with a more qualified Woman. He chose the least qualified.
However, the real key; she is Anti-Abortion.
I mentioned (Politics, Going Badly Sep. 4) Linda Lingle (215,313 votes Election 2006); Gov. Hawaii would have been a more experienced choice.
Mary Jodi Rall, Gov. Connecticut (709,849 votes 2004) would have been a FAR better choice, except she does not have a strong Pro-Life stance.
So that is it; John McCain, who if elected will be the OLDEST President, has banked the FUTURE of America on one issue. He has decided to gamble with our Nation, selecting the LEAST QUALIFIED person to be a heartbeat away from being the leader of our Country. Sorry John we cannot take the chance that you might finish your term. Do your homework better, and don’t gamble with our Country.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Buy an SUV for America
Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters is warning that the Federal Highway Trust Fund is almost depleted, and will have a tough time providing the funds it promised to States for infrastructure repairs. Watch for the President to ask Americans to buy SUVs to help repair our roads. SUVs use more gas; more gas means more excise tax. It is a similar program to asking everyone to go shopping after 9/11.
We have offered “at least $1 billion” to Georgia, and Alaska owes us $27 million for the approach road that Gov Palin built to the bridge that is never going to be built, wink, wink. So there is $1.02 billion that could be used for American infrastrucure that actually is used by people and really goes to somewhere. Still trying to figure the Alaska road out. Why build a road that leads to a non-existent bridge. If you are not planning to build the bridge, then you do not need a road. (Unless…you promised a construction firm the business and already spent the kickback).
The fund is financed by federal excise taxes on motor fuel, 18.4 cents a gallon on gasoline and 24.4 cents a gallon on diesel. However, the fund’s highway account is being rapidly depleted because for months Americans have been reacting to the high price of gasoline by driving less, Ms. Peters said. In May, for instance, vehicle-miles were down 3.7 percent from a year earlier.
“Time and again, the president has warned Congress of the pending shortfall and submitted fiscally prudent budgets to close the gap,” Ms. Peters said, in remarks that reflected the political nature of the long-running debate over how to pay for road building.
Whatever Congress does in the short term, some profound policy issues will have to be addressed at some point. The shift to smaller, more fuel-efficient cars in an era of expensive gasoline is the very trend that is helping to deplete the highway fund.
Could we witness a special tax on the public for being more fuel efficient and maybe helping the planet by using less gasoline? Based on the present administration's Environmental Policy, I'm sure it has been considered. I'd also not be surprised if one of the oil industry lobbyists presented a "bill" to Congress before the election for just such a tax. They may see the writing on the wall that lobbyists are on the way out.
We have offered “at least $1 billion” to Georgia, and Alaska owes us $27 million for the approach road that Gov Palin built to the bridge that is never going to be built, wink, wink. So there is $1.02 billion that could be used for American infrastrucure that actually is used by people and really goes to somewhere. Still trying to figure the Alaska road out. Why build a road that leads to a non-existent bridge. If you are not planning to build the bridge, then you do not need a road. (Unless…you promised a construction firm the business and already spent the kickback).
The fund is financed by federal excise taxes on motor fuel, 18.4 cents a gallon on gasoline and 24.4 cents a gallon on diesel. However, the fund’s highway account is being rapidly depleted because for months Americans have been reacting to the high price of gasoline by driving less, Ms. Peters said. In May, for instance, vehicle-miles were down 3.7 percent from a year earlier.
“Time and again, the president has warned Congress of the pending shortfall and submitted fiscally prudent budgets to close the gap,” Ms. Peters said, in remarks that reflected the political nature of the long-running debate over how to pay for road building.
Whatever Congress does in the short term, some profound policy issues will have to be addressed at some point. The shift to smaller, more fuel-efficient cars in an era of expensive gasoline is the very trend that is helping to deplete the highway fund.
Could we witness a special tax on the public for being more fuel efficient and maybe helping the planet by using less gasoline? Based on the present administration's Environmental Policy, I'm sure it has been considered. I'd also not be surprised if one of the oil industry lobbyists presented a "bill" to Congress before the election for just such a tax. They may see the writing on the wall that lobbyists are on the way out.
Fuel Efficiency,
Gas Prices,
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The United States of Foreign Governments
So it looks like the taxpayer is on the hook for at least $10 Billion to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And as it turns out the reason the US Taxpayer is going to have to do this is...The executives in charge were crooks. They cooked the books and lied about what was really there the whole time telling the public that everything was fine. And the other big reason the taxpayer will get screwed. The foreign governments that REALLY own the United States were worried that THEY would not get their investment back. So the US Government decided to screw over the average taxpayer/shareholder (who will get nothing/loose everything) to keep the true owners of the country from getting upset. The CEO administration has done a fine job of selling off our Country, and still telling us everything is just fine.
The proposal to place both mortgage giants, which own or back $5.3 trillion in mortgages, into a government-run conservatorship also grew out of deep concern among foreign investors that the companies’ debt might not be repaid. Falling home prices, which are expected to lead to more defaults among the mortgages held or guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie, contributed to the urgency, regulators said.
The details of the deal have not fully emerged, but it appears that investors who own the companies’ common stock will be virtually wiped out; preferred shareholders, who have priority over other shareholders, may also wind up with little. Holders of debt, including many foreign central banks, are expected to receive government backing. Top executives of both companies will be pushed out, according to those briefed on the plan.
While it is not yet possible to calculate the cost of the government’s intervention, it could rise into tens of billions of dollars and will probably be among the most expensive rescues ever financed by taxpayers. The takeover comes on the heels of a rescue of the investment bank Bear Stearns, which was sold to JPMorgan Chase in a deal backed by taxpayer dollars. Already, the housing crisis has cost investors and consumers hundreds of billions of dollars.
Regulators are concerned that the companies may have mischaracterized their financial health by relaxing their accounting policies on losses, according to people familiar with the review. For years, both companies have effectively recognized losses whenever payments on a loan are 90 days past due. But, in recent months, the companies said they would wait until payments were two years late. As a result, tens of thousands of loans have not been marked down in value.
So they sold us down a foreign river, lied about it, and now we have to pay. That sounds like good policy, huh?
The proposal to place both mortgage giants, which own or back $5.3 trillion in mortgages, into a government-run conservatorship also grew out of deep concern among foreign investors that the companies’ debt might not be repaid. Falling home prices, which are expected to lead to more defaults among the mortgages held or guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie, contributed to the urgency, regulators said.
The details of the deal have not fully emerged, but it appears that investors who own the companies’ common stock will be virtually wiped out; preferred shareholders, who have priority over other shareholders, may also wind up with little. Holders of debt, including many foreign central banks, are expected to receive government backing. Top executives of both companies will be pushed out, according to those briefed on the plan.
While it is not yet possible to calculate the cost of the government’s intervention, it could rise into tens of billions of dollars and will probably be among the most expensive rescues ever financed by taxpayers. The takeover comes on the heels of a rescue of the investment bank Bear Stearns, which was sold to JPMorgan Chase in a deal backed by taxpayer dollars. Already, the housing crisis has cost investors and consumers hundreds of billions of dollars.
Regulators are concerned that the companies may have mischaracterized their financial health by relaxing their accounting policies on losses, according to people familiar with the review. For years, both companies have effectively recognized losses whenever payments on a loan are 90 days past due. But, in recent months, the companies said they would wait until payments were two years late. As a result, tens of thousands of loans have not been marked down in value.
So they sold us down a foreign river, lied about it, and now we have to pay. That sounds like good policy, huh?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Yes Jack, You Are A BAD Man!
Jack Abramoff, the now-disgraced lobbyist behind a corruption scandal that ensnared several prominent lawmakers and Washington power brokers a few years ago, pleaded with a federal judge to reduce his sentence in a letter sent yesterday, apologizing for his "blundering" but saying, he is not a "bad man."
"I am not a bad man (although to read all the news articles one would think I was Osama Bin Laden), but I did many bad things," he wrote. "I lied to clients, even while working to get them the results they expected. I cheated my law firm and took advantage of public officials. And, while I gave millions of dollars to charities, I thought I could then skirt the rules in paying the right amount of money to the government in taxes."
"I have a lot to make up for and a lot of amends to make," he wrote. "If I ever can earn more than a mere living again, I will be paying back those I have harmed for the rest of my life. However, little is accomplished by delaying that day by my being jailed longer than is necessary." (Read; I need to get back to work screwing people over so I can make more money.)
Sorry Jack. You just don’t get it. All those things you mention DO MAKE YOU A VERY BAD MAN!
Not only should Abramoff stay in jail for the full 11 years (to bad it will only be 8 years) but also there is a very good treason case to be made against him and Treason carries the death penalty.
One of the truly great ills that our Country has is Lobbyist. Until a Constitutional amendment is passed that FORBIDS all types of lobbying. Our Country is no better than the “Third World” corruption centers that we always complain about.
"I come before you as a broken man," Abramoff said at his sentencing before U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle. "I'm not the same man who happily and arrogantly engaged in a lifestyle of political and business corruption." He knew what he was doing! He knew he was tearing away the very fabric of our Government! Yet he still wanted leniency. This unmitigated Traitor has spent his time in prison cooperating with a book that portrays him much differently: as a victim of Washington politics. This is the “yes I tried to buy Politicians, but they really wanted to be bought” defense.
Defense attorney Abbe Lowell portrayed Abramoff as a conflicted man. Yes, he corrupted politicians with golf junkets, expensive meals and luxury seats at sporting events. But he also donated millions of dollars to charity, and his good deeds were catalogued in hundreds of letters from friends. However, as it turns out, many of those donations were made in the name of Politicians, or to their favorite charity, for their support. That’s like saying I killed the whole family so no one would get survivors guilt.
McCain ran the hearings that helped bring Abramoff down, yet still plays footsie with other big name lobbyists. Obama has banned lobbyists from being involved in his campaign. Nevertheless, one thing the Abramoff case brings to light is how pervasive corruption is in Washington. Moreover, the only way to combat the problem is to COMPLETELY BAN LOBBYISTS! Until that happens, quit saying we are a “Government of the people, by the people”. The lobbyists govern us; Government of the lemmings, by the Lobbyists.
"I am not a bad man (although to read all the news articles one would think I was Osama Bin Laden), but I did many bad things," he wrote. "I lied to clients, even while working to get them the results they expected. I cheated my law firm and took advantage of public officials. And, while I gave millions of dollars to charities, I thought I could then skirt the rules in paying the right amount of money to the government in taxes."
"I have a lot to make up for and a lot of amends to make," he wrote. "If I ever can earn more than a mere living again, I will be paying back those I have harmed for the rest of my life. However, little is accomplished by delaying that day by my being jailed longer than is necessary." (Read; I need to get back to work screwing people over so I can make more money.)
Sorry Jack. You just don’t get it. All those things you mention DO MAKE YOU A VERY BAD MAN!
Not only should Abramoff stay in jail for the full 11 years (to bad it will only be 8 years) but also there is a very good treason case to be made against him and Treason carries the death penalty.
One of the truly great ills that our Country has is Lobbyist. Until a Constitutional amendment is passed that FORBIDS all types of lobbying. Our Country is no better than the “Third World” corruption centers that we always complain about.
"I come before you as a broken man," Abramoff said at his sentencing before U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle. "I'm not the same man who happily and arrogantly engaged in a lifestyle of political and business corruption." He knew what he was doing! He knew he was tearing away the very fabric of our Government! Yet he still wanted leniency. This unmitigated Traitor has spent his time in prison cooperating with a book that portrays him much differently: as a victim of Washington politics. This is the “yes I tried to buy Politicians, but they really wanted to be bought” defense.
Defense attorney Abbe Lowell portrayed Abramoff as a conflicted man. Yes, he corrupted politicians with golf junkets, expensive meals and luxury seats at sporting events. But he also donated millions of dollars to charity, and his good deeds were catalogued in hundreds of letters from friends. However, as it turns out, many of those donations were made in the name of Politicians, or to their favorite charity, for their support. That’s like saying I killed the whole family so no one would get survivors guilt.
McCain ran the hearings that helped bring Abramoff down, yet still plays footsie with other big name lobbyists. Obama has banned lobbyists from being involved in his campaign. Nevertheless, one thing the Abramoff case brings to light is how pervasive corruption is in Washington. Moreover, the only way to combat the problem is to COMPLETELY BAN LOBBYISTS! Until that happens, quit saying we are a “Government of the people, by the people”. The lobbyists govern us; Government of the lemmings, by the Lobbyists.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Politics, Going Badly
A few of the more determined and far left Democrats have shown that for all their bravado about peace they are more than willing to use disgusting (spitting, feces throwing, etc) and violent (rocks, bottles) ways to try and make their point. P.J. O’Rourke once wrote that "the reason there were fewer conservative protests than liberal protests is that conservatives had jobs". It is one thing to make your cause known. Quite another to be stupid about it.
The other part of politics gone badly is the digging on Sarah Palin’s daughter. She is 17 leave her alone. It has no bearing on the election or the nation. If there is a story there, it is the fact that both Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston (the babies father) showed up in Minnesota among all those reporters. You have to give Levi some credit for having the balls to step into that media S-storm, when he could have stayed home in Alaska.
Gov. Palin decided to attack on the “experience” issue. She claimed to have more executive experience than the entire Democrat ticket. That particular angle will come back to bite them in the butt, on so many levels. The very first being that McCain has NO executive experience EVER. The next part is from doing some fact checking regarding Gov. Palin, they may want to back off on the experience aspect and just call that a push for the rest of the campaign. Here are some facts regarding the Governors experience.
A total of 6 years as mayor for a town of less than 7,000 people, She was in charge of a total staff of 25 people. Then less than 2 years as Governor of a state of less than 700,000 people. There are only three states in the Country with less people. Rhode Island (which could be wall-to-wall carpeted for less than $1,000.00) has more people than Alaska. (At 1.1 persons per square mile, and over 70% of the State being owned and managed by the Federal Government. My 3 year old could handle running Alaska).
In January 1997, Mayor Palin fired the police chief and the town librarian. Palin said in a letter that she wanted a change because she believed the two did not fully support her administration. The chief filed a lawsuit; but a court dismissed it, finding that Palin had the right to fire city employees for political reasons. According to Ann Kilkenny, a Democrat who observed City Council, Palin found certain book titles "somehow morally or socially objectionable." Palin rehired the librarian after town residents made a strong show of support. (Not sure how far we want to delve into the Fascist side of Government. I think we can all agree; “Book burning” not a good thing).
In 2002, term limits prevented Palin from running for a third term as mayor. Her stepmother-in-law, Faye Palin, ran for the office but lost the election to Dianne Keller after Sarah Palin endorsed Keller, her cousin.
Alaska is one of two U.S. states not bordered by another state, Hawaii being the other. It is the only non-contiguous U.S. state on continental North America; Alaska is thus an exclave of the United States. It is technically part of the continental US, but is often not included in colloquial use; Alaska is not part of the contiguous U.S., often called "the Lower 48". Juneau, Alaska's capital city, though located on the mainland of the North American continent, is inaccessible by land—no roads connect Juneau to the rest of the North American highway system. (You just can't get there from here. Or from anywhere as it turns out.)
The Alaska State Legislature consists of a 40-member House of Representatives and a 20-member Senate. California has 53 members in the US House of Representatives, alone. The US Senate, which any Vice President presides over as their only Constitutional job (other than checking the Presidents pulse every few hours), has 100 members. Half of whom hate you; welcome to the real world of Politics.
McCain is running as the anti-earmark Maverick who selected Palin because she is cut from that same cloth. As Mayor of Wasilla she hired a Lobby firm to obtain $27 million dollars in "Earmark" funds. That works out to $3857.11 for every Man, Woman, and Child in the town. If Palin was, instead, a master of the earmarks (which the numbers from Wasilla suggest), then what does that do for McCain’s argument about her status as an anti-earmark crusader? At a minimum, this gives the Obama campaign some talking points, and at worst, it again raises the question of how well Palin was vetted by the McCain campaign.
If the McCain campaign (And I am not quite sure who is really running it) was looking for a Woman to be on the ticket. They could have done far better with the Governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle. Far more experience than Palin, still pulling from one of our far away States, and a much better place to visit in February.
The other part of politics gone badly is the digging on Sarah Palin’s daughter. She is 17 leave her alone. It has no bearing on the election or the nation. If there is a story there, it is the fact that both Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston (the babies father) showed up in Minnesota among all those reporters. You have to give Levi some credit for having the balls to step into that media S-storm, when he could have stayed home in Alaska.
Gov. Palin decided to attack on the “experience” issue. She claimed to have more executive experience than the entire Democrat ticket. That particular angle will come back to bite them in the butt, on so many levels. The very first being that McCain has NO executive experience EVER. The next part is from doing some fact checking regarding Gov. Palin, they may want to back off on the experience aspect and just call that a push for the rest of the campaign. Here are some facts regarding the Governors experience.
A total of 6 years as mayor for a town of less than 7,000 people, She was in charge of a total staff of 25 people. Then less than 2 years as Governor of a state of less than 700,000 people. There are only three states in the Country with less people. Rhode Island (which could be wall-to-wall carpeted for less than $1,000.00) has more people than Alaska. (At 1.1 persons per square mile, and over 70% of the State being owned and managed by the Federal Government. My 3 year old could handle running Alaska).
In January 1997, Mayor Palin fired the police chief and the town librarian. Palin said in a letter that she wanted a change because she believed the two did not fully support her administration. The chief filed a lawsuit; but a court dismissed it, finding that Palin had the right to fire city employees for political reasons. According to Ann Kilkenny, a Democrat who observed City Council, Palin found certain book titles "somehow morally or socially objectionable." Palin rehired the librarian after town residents made a strong show of support. (Not sure how far we want to delve into the Fascist side of Government. I think we can all agree; “Book burning” not a good thing).
In 2002, term limits prevented Palin from running for a third term as mayor. Her stepmother-in-law, Faye Palin, ran for the office but lost the election to Dianne Keller after Sarah Palin endorsed Keller, her cousin.
Alaska is one of two U.S. states not bordered by another state, Hawaii being the other. It is the only non-contiguous U.S. state on continental North America; Alaska is thus an exclave of the United States. It is technically part of the continental US, but is often not included in colloquial use; Alaska is not part of the contiguous U.S., often called "the Lower 48". Juneau, Alaska's capital city, though located on the mainland of the North American continent, is inaccessible by land—no roads connect Juneau to the rest of the North American highway system. (You just can't get there from here. Or from anywhere as it turns out.)
The Alaska State Legislature consists of a 40-member House of Representatives and a 20-member Senate. California has 53 members in the US House of Representatives, alone. The US Senate, which any Vice President presides over as their only Constitutional job (other than checking the Presidents pulse every few hours), has 100 members. Half of whom hate you; welcome to the real world of Politics.
McCain is running as the anti-earmark Maverick who selected Palin because she is cut from that same cloth. As Mayor of Wasilla she hired a Lobby firm to obtain $27 million dollars in "Earmark" funds. That works out to $3857.11 for every Man, Woman, and Child in the town. If Palin was, instead, a master of the earmarks (which the numbers from Wasilla suggest), then what does that do for McCain’s argument about her status as an anti-earmark crusader? At a minimum, this gives the Obama campaign some talking points, and at worst, it again raises the question of how well Palin was vetted by the McCain campaign.
If the McCain campaign (And I am not quite sure who is really running it) was looking for a Woman to be on the ticket. They could have done far better with the Governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle. Far more experience than Palin, still pulling from one of our far away States, and a much better place to visit in February.
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