Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hey John, Your Kidding: Right?

On Monday, Alaska Gov. Palin (VP Nominee) proceeded to claim that she has more International acumen than Senators Obama or Biden. This from someone that is the least qualified candidate for the office of Vice President. I went on a search to see if there was a less qualified Republican Governor anywhere in the United States. As it turns out there is NO ONE less qualified than Governor Palin is. Actually, in ANY other State a 2 term Mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people would probably be laughed at for even thinking of running for Governor. I even sifted through all the Democrat Governors to see if one of them might be LESS qualified…Nothing, nada, zilch! Palin is the possibly least qualified elected official in America!
The only Republican Governor to receive fewer votes than Gov Palin (114,697) is from Guam (19,560). However, he was far more qualified. I tried only small population States in an attempt to make it fair. Nope! North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho all of them the Governor received more than double the amount of votes.
I have tried to see what the political advantage is to having Gov Palin on the ticket. It cannot be the electoral votes from Alaska (3), it cannot be the total number of popular votes (190,889 Bush 2004), and, as it turns out, it is not experience (NONE). Here it is…She is a Woman and McCain figures since Hillary got votes (not enough, thank God) any Woman would do. There are MANY more qualified women in the Republican Party, Governors, Senators, and Representatives. The Republicans sometimes get a bad rap regarding Women in the Party. The first Woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (Jeannette Rankin, Mont 1916) was a Republican. John McCain could have made history with a more qualified Woman. He chose the least qualified.
However, the real key; she is Anti-Abortion.
I mentioned (Politics, Going Badly Sep. 4) Linda Lingle (215,313 votes Election 2006); Gov. Hawaii would have been a more experienced choice.
Mary Jodi Rall, Gov. Connecticut (709,849 votes 2004) would have been a FAR better choice, except she does not have a strong Pro-Life stance.
So that is it; John McCain, who if elected will be the OLDEST President, has banked the FUTURE of America on one issue. He has decided to gamble with our Nation, selecting the LEAST QUALIFIED person to be a heartbeat away from being the leader of our Country. Sorry John we cannot take the chance that you might finish your term. Do your homework better, and don’t gamble with our Country.

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