Fannie and Freddie spent MILLIONS on lobbyists. AIG this year alone has spent $6.73 Million, Merrill Lynch spent $2.2 Million, and poor Lehman Brothers only spent $430 Thousand. Washington Mutual won't get any kind of bailout, even though it is the largest Savings and Loan. They only gave $570 thousand in bribe money to the lobbyists. (Open Secrets. Org)
So it really just depends on how much you give to lobbyists so they can bribe the needed politicians. That, by the way, is what it is. Bribery! Lobbyists are the bag men for corporations.
Can someone please tell me what Countries Economy G.W. is watching. I'm starting to think that he and McCain have the charts upside down.
Although the morons that run these companies think, their ego is far more important than us poor slobs that actually put our hard-earned dollars into a company stock hoping we might have something when the time comes to retire. As opposed to the CEO that got his stock in a well hidden option because he was able to take a Billion dollar company and turn it into a Million dollar company. I'll take the janitor to run the company over some putz with an MBA from a fancy school. At least the janitor will be honest with you, and would know right away what is wrong. They always do.
The fact of the matter is that it is LOBBYISTS that control what will happen to you and me. Another quick check finds that McCain’s campaign is FULL of banking lobbyists. The man could not take a dump without a lobbyist there to wipe his bum. Obama’s campaign does have a couple of lobbyists as advisers but they do not seem to be at the same level as the McCain group. I just cannot get over how a company says everything is all right one day and 2 days latter, they are going under. Does anyone watch these things? Alternatively, have the lobbyists hoodwinked EVERY politician in Washington.
The time has come to step up the efforts to rid our Government of lobbyists. If you know a lobbyist, render them unable to breed. It is a good start.
Here are a few other items I found regarding Fannie and Freddie’s lobby efforts to bring down our economy and Country. This was in “The Christian Science Monitor” which is probably the last unbiased newspaper in America, go figure.
Over the last decade, Fannie and Freddie together hired nearly every lobby shop in Washington – so many, in fact, that opponents complained that they had trouble finding someone to represent their interests.
In addition, Fannie and Freddie supported a vast network of charities, often specifically linked to members of Congress.

SOURCE: Center for Responsive Politics/Rich Clabaugh–STAFF
It has to stop. Lobbyists will destroy America. Do whatever you have to, but start with notifying your Congressman that if they have taken dollar one from lobbyists, no more votes, period. If they have taken money, they are CROOKS, Corrupted politicians that need to be removed, charged, found guilty of treason and hanged.
But that is up to the voter and so far, we have been stupid.
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